Find a Futurist
Are you wanting to Find a Futurist for your next conference or Business meeting? Perhaps you’re after someone to assist you with some strategy setting workshops or to challenge your team with a new way to assess opportunities in your industry sector? Whatever your need, be it a social comment for a story in the media, an ad campaign for an emerging product or even a talk at a local college, there’s a fair chance we could find someone to fit your needs. Simply send us an email and we’ll try to assist.
Please include the date of your session, the type of event, what sort of need you have, and the location and we’ll get the ball rolling. Simply email us using this link Find A Futurist and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Some of our recent engagements include Key Notes for the Australian Computer Society conference in Adelaide; the Queensland Supply Chains and Logistics conference in Brisbane; the Employee Assistance Professionals conference in Melbourne and a raft of organisation conferences around Australia. We’ve been interviewed for radio and print stories in Cairns, Canberra, Newcastle, Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney and more.
Email us today: Find A Futurist
Some recent feedback from Marcus Barber’s key note speeches and presentations include:
‘I loved your passion and engagement’
‘Inspirational – I’m definitely going to take the action you recommend’ and
‘I’ve seen plenty of great personal stories told from the stage and it’s the first time a speaker has talked about me (the audience) and encouraged me about my own capabilities, my own journey in such a compelling way – not to copy others, but to back myself. Two weeks on and the office is still buzzing…’
Of course you do get an occasional miss – this one from about two years ago at an IT conference is one that keeps me on my toes:
‘There’s was nothing new or interesting in what he had to say, pathetic really!’
There are a number of questions we get asked consistently, some of which are listed below. If you have a specific question by all means contact us via the ‘Contact Us’ link
Q. What is the difference between ‘Foresight’ and ‘Strategic Foresight’?
A. Foresight is the ability to think about some time in the future. Most people have this ability but tend not to think about the future in a deliberate and in-depth way. Strategic Foresight is a consicous and deliberate approach to attempting to learn about, consider and explore potential future developments, in the light of a specific context and then questioning our assumptions and expectations to see if they are valid and realistic
Q. What are Human Values?
A. Human Values are those inherent perspectives of the world that drive our behaviours. The issue of right and wrong or acceptable behaviour varies considerably depending on which ‘Values lens’ you are looking through. Our work with the Human Values approach is informed by training with the National Values Centre in the USA and is based on the Spiral Dynamics model. We’ve introduced it to some of the largest corporate and government agencies and smaller firms and NGO’s in Australia and beyond. There’s plenty that has been written about the model and its applications and successes are exceptional
Q. How does your approach to Innovation differ from any others?
A. Good question – we hold a much higher expectation for innovation than many others who see almost any creative endeavour as ‘innovative’. Whilst connected, we do not believe that creativity and innovation are the same. Further we help organisations overcome the barriers that prevent them from being more innovative. But first, you have to know how to find those barriers – that’s where we come in!
Q. How do we contact you?
A. Glad you asked – via email here or on 613 96 444 588
If you are interested in developing your skills as a futurist or looking to join an organisation dedicated to exploring the future, you might be interested in Joining the Association of Professional Futurists. You can find out more about the APF at their website via this link. And if you’d like to talk to me personally about the APF, feel free to send me an email here. There’s also a wikipedia entry for the APF just here
There are other organisations such as the World Future Society which has great general futures articles (link here) and if you’re looking for a strong academic feel, then the World Futures Studies Federation might be more your go (link here)
How to Brief Your Futurist. Before you engage a futurist it can be very useful to have a clear process to enable an effective level of information exchange as you consider your options. Things to consider are not just the experience of the futurist, but also elements such as process types, methods and tools and the desired outcome of participants to any workshop or process. This Two Page guide can offer some straight forward guidance to help you when engaging or sounding out a futurist for a possible future project – How to Brief a Futurist
Marcus Barber’s Media Image File
n a recent piece in the New York Times, Thomas L Freidman’s article ‘If I had a hammer’ discussed the new book by Erik Brynjolfsson & Andrew McAfee’s new book ‘The Second Machine Age’ and the development of computing power now making even complex employment positions redundant. Whereas in the first machine age, human muscle…
Read More >I was interviewed for this article earlier last year and now it seems it has more currency than ever, so I’m reposting the link here. As a parent, what steps can you take to ensure your kids are well placed for a fulfilling career? This article offers some thoughts
Read More >For over a decade I worked with organisations in for profit, not for profit and government sectors. I’ve advised organisations in Europe, North America, Asia and beyond. Some organisations have been multi nationals, long standing, privately owned, publicly held, socially aware, profit focused and more. I’ve managed million dollar portfolios and client accounts of just…
Read More >The link to the article below will take you to an overview of how robotic design is developing towards a more ‘natural’ form of human movement. To a larger extent, this is part of the normalisation process so that those of us exposed to robotics can be more accepting of their presence. This is indeed…
Read More >Occasionally I see a post that leads me to slap my forehead with the sheer simplicity of its brilliance. The post in the link below discusses the idea of homework for kids and I flag that I’m on the School Council of my kid’s Primary School, where this discussion runs rampant. The research we…
Read More >I’m part way through a small research piece for an FMCG company that is interested in exploring the future consumer and what kind of environmental factors might influence their purchasing decisions. Interestingly enough toward the end of last year I had three FMCG firms approach me about a similar challenge, so ‘Future Consumers’ must be…
Read More >The Australian Government has announced a ‘Repeal Day’, intended to be used to axe the existence of hundreds of outdated laws. The concept is a good one, though for me, doesn’t quite get the Australian Parliament into a forward looking setting in how it could develop FUTURE legislation. So what could be done instead and…
Read More >Continuing his run of suggesting an annual theme and idea of world focus for the year ahead, Futurist Marcus Barber has declared 2014 to be the International Year of Food Security. ‘The year ahead is going to bring into sharp focus, what has often been seen as an ‘other-world’ problem’ Barber says. ‘For a number…
Read More >Yes I know, committing to an early morning chat on ABC Radio on New Year’s Day may to some seem tinged with the ‘what were you thinking?’ bug, but hey, what better time is there than chatting about the future, than at prime New Year’s Resolution time? You’ll be able to listen to the stream…
Read More >The Australian Strategic Planning Institute website has a new article on why Visions, rather than being useful shining lights, end up being ‘ruts’ for organisations. Counter instinictivley and yet simply put, the never ending nature of some Visions leads to an inaction toward that Vision. Companies and individuals spin their wheels in a quagmire…
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