Covid19 – Helping People Deal With Lock-down Events

A thought on the ‘Why should I be in lock-down in my suburb, it’s not fair that we have to do it and no one else has to, my hair’s a mess I need to sell coffees and pizza’ crowd – an explanation you might appreciate


You’ve been asked to go back into lock-down or self isolation. It’s frustrating, annoying and maybe you’re angry. Emotional responses are often fair and reasonable outcomes from surprise events, or should I say, ‘expectations not being met’. And there’s a reason why right now, you need to clear your mind of your first cut emotional triggers because we’re actually talking about YOUR life and the lves of people YOU love (or are supposed to).

Right now think of it like you are in a BUSHFIRE threatened zone or maybe a Tornado zone. Your house might not be right in the way, but it could be because ALL of the external weather conditions (how society operates) is saying ‘this threat is getting bigger. The wind might change direction, lightening might strike near by, some irresponsible idiot might deliberately make attempts to risk people KNOWING they should not be doing what they are doing.Others will be forgetful and do some angle grinding on a hot day, or go for a drive when the clouds start showing signs. Elsewhere in the State there is NO or minimal threat of a fire (or tornado).

Do you lock down the ENTIRE state because there’s a massive threat elsewhere? Do you complain that YOUR house is not, right now, in line of the fire storm even though it IS in the fire alert area? Or do you do a Watch and Act, prepare your fire plan? Make sure you have supplies and somewhere safe to hunker down until the threat passes?

Do you complain that State and Fed resources are being called in? Do you complain that ‘backburning’ (quarantining and self-isolation) is taking place? Do you resist calls to clear your property of inflammable debris (testing) or calls to be careful (mask wearing, washing hands) because you think the fire is a Hoax?

Just Wondering

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