Vale Richard Pratt

Richard Pratt has succumbed to a battle with prostate cancer and there’s no doubt that many words will be written on paper destined to end up as recycle materials at his VISY Industries plants. There’s a harmony in that thought – all those words of type and paper discussing Richard Pratt will be recycling through the world, ‘living on’ as it were in perpetuity due to Pratt’s recycling empire. Much of the type will discuss his business empire, his foibles and interests, his wonderful family and his philanthropy – perhaps as the most well known benefactor (if not the largest) of a whole range of issues throughout Australia. What will be less known and what I recognise implicitly, is that I owe my career in no small part due to Richard Pratt

The Australian Foresight Institute emerged from a direct funding injection from the Pratt Foundation who were very keen to support the idea of social foresight as a way forward for Australia. The tenured position enabled Professor Richard Slaughter to design and pursue the teaching of Strategic Foresight as an independent Master of Science program at Swinburne University, a course subject that at the time it would be reasonable to say, was not without its detractors inside the University.

I was lucky enough to be one of less than about 30 people to have acquired a Master’s of Science, Strategic Foresight post graduate qualification. There’s many more that have a Graduate Certificate and Graduate Diploma in Strategic Foresight. And none of us would be in a position to hold that qualification if not for the Pratt Foundation’s funding of the program which paid for the ‘chair’ (Richard Slaughter’s expertise) and allowed the students to pay for the course.

Following the departure of the previous Vice Chancellor the Master’s program has since been folded into the standard Business streams (could that be due to a lack of foresight?) thought the essence of the course is holding on to existence. Despite an apparent preference by some that the course would just ‘go away’, people keep turning up to ‘major’ in Strategic Foresight. The reasons for this desire are even clearer now that it is so obvious that the business skills taught in standard business courses just aren’t up to dealing with the increasing complexity of the world – something more effective is needed in addition to the useful (though standard) business skills found inside most tertiary business programs

Richard Pratt and his wife Jeanne had foresight. Their use of their considerable wealth to support a raft of charitable, not for profit and forward looking entities suggest that this foresight was also highly strategic. The Pratt Foundation exists to help make Australia and therein the world, a better place. As past students influence their workplaces and clients, encouraging, cajoling and teaching them about how to go about enhancing their approaches to their roles, by applying the wide variety of Strategic Foresight methods, Richard Pratt’s legacy in the area of a better thinking Australia will continue to evolve and improve. You might not read as much about that in the mainstream media but the impact will be no less significant.

As a benefactor of the Pratt Foundation’s foresight I am eternally grateful. My thoughts are with his family. Vale Richard Pratt

Delving into Heatwave Scenarios

Sep 12, 2023

Later this month I’ll be facilitating a scenario session looking at the potential impact of a long standing heatwave event for the City of Greater Dandenong here in Australia. Heatwaves kill more people than any other weather event. By a long way. Importantly they also have a ‘fat tail’ with physical impairments to individuals often…

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Introduction to the Organisational Evolution Model workshop in Perth

Sep 9, 2023

Looking Up Feeling Good will be running an workshop on the Organisational Evolution Model in Perth. The Org-Ev model has been used by a wide number of agencies across almost all industry sectors, and was originally developed for the Australian Strategic Planning Institute. The workshop is limited to 25 people and will take place at…

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Sponsoring Vic 55 2s Master’s Hockey

Aug 21, 2023

Looking Up Feeling Good are delighted to be associated with the Victorian over 55 2s at the National Masters Championship coming up in Perth in a few month’s time across September and October. We wish all players well

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Why You Need to Read ‘Invisible Women’ Now

Aug 20, 2023

If you’re involved with setting policy, allocating funding, designing products or services and delivering on them, then one book you simply must have read is the absolutely astounding ‘Invisible Women’ by Caroline Criado Perez. What Perez has done with this book is ALL OF THE RESEARCH you need to have available to you when you…

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Preparing for Heat Waves In a World Primed to Cook

Aug 12, 2023

Are we there yet? Have people finally cottoned on to the idea that maybe, things aren’t going so well for the planet and our place in it? Storms, up; floods, up; fires, up; droughts, up; people being displaced by climate events, up.  The signals are all around us. And yet, as a species we struggle…

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Strategic Impact of Long Term Decision Making

Jul 18, 2023

One of the most challenges aspects for owners of businesses, and also for Boards charged with running businesses, is how to allow for the impact of a decision to unfold over time.  Many listed company Boards will be delaying with a CEO on a limited tenure. The Board will have set expectations for performance and…

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Emerging Risks for Australian LGAs

Jun 8, 2023

Local Governments in Australia face an emerging risk space that many seem unaware of. Brought on by rising costs, especially in business premises rentals, compliance needs and registration costs, research we’ve identified as part of work with a Local Government client is indicating a significant increase in businesses popping up in residential areas. What seems…

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Getting Over it Being Over, Not Over

Oct 27, 2022

It’s been a rather hectic few months here at Looking Up Feeling Good in between getting a complete site rebuild, multiple interstate travel commitments and assisting an assortment of clients trying to deal with one rather interesting challenge – what to do when we’re supposed to be done and dusted with a pandemic, yet we…

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High Risk Play for Australian Retailers Opening in a Covid19 Constrained Environment

Oct 11, 2021

Interesting emerging dynamic about to land on the shop fronts of Australian retailers that pose serious risks to their staff. And few retailers are ready   With moderate level of vaccinations targets achieved, the NSW Government has decided to open up from a #Covid19 lockdown. It does so, relying on compliance enforcement to be undertaken by…

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How Main Stream Media Fomented the Latest Victorian #Covid19 Outbreak

Sep 30, 2021

There’s a lot not to like about the latest spike in Victoria’s #Covid19 numbers. And the most culpable are mainstream media companies who created the social response The latest spike in #Covid19 infections can be directly attributed to Channel 7, Channel 9 and the ABC with lesser blame attributed to Channel 10 and SBS. In…

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