The massive missing piece of Australia’s Tourism approach

It’s taken me a while to get the Tourism Thinking piece together given the extensive travel this year that has enabled me to assess where Australia’s tourism is not getting things right. This update won’t paint the full picture (a couple of clients have first crack at this research) but it is important enough to be able to give you the quick thumbnail sketch. And let’s just say that complaints about the high aussie dollar are somewhat of a smokescreen even if it has choked a few travellers out of the marketplace. Here’s the quick take:

1. Going back to the enormously successful ‘throw a shrimp on the BBQ’ campaign featuring Paul Hogan, what everyone seems to have missed is the single core element that Commercial contained and it is this: Paul Hogan issued a PERSONAL invitation for people to come and visit. The Lara Bingle ’emulation’ failed utterly because it wasn’t perceived as a personal invitation but a somewhat rude demand for a reason why people weren’t coming. And the gloriously expensive ‘postcard’ model of recent times is still stuck in the old model of tourism. Other tourism groups here in Australia know I’ve been telling them to ‘move beyond postcards’ since about 2005

2. TA has failed to capitalise on the largest factor in its favour – Australians heading overseas. Can you get any more direct than to have Aussies heading OS hand over a PERSONAL invite to people they meet, to come to Australia? The advertising campaigns might be big and sexy things to put together, but they miss completely the CORE success capability available

3. In some of the more interesting places I’ve been to this year, there is a growing discontent with the Australian traveler. In one high end tourism crowd, an expat who has been living in that town for a few years told me that the ‘locals have had it with drunk, obnoxious and disrespectful aussie hoons who think they have a right to carry on like fools.’ A local police office I spoke to in that town said ‘unfortunately when it comes to social disobedience, more and more frequently we are finding its your fellow Australians in the centre of the ruckus’

There’s more to say about costs of hotels, poor service and other aspects. And if you’re in the Tourism industry in Australia, the personal approach is something I can encourage you to take a HIGHLY focused look at.

Singapore – The Hub of Great Futures Work

Sep 3, 2009

I’m heading to Singapore for a few days to facilitate a scenario planning workshop on behalf of the Asia Business Forum. There is something intimately exciting for a futurist to be going to arguably the most future focused of all countries and to spend just a brief time immersed there. There’s no doubt that great…

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The risks of ‘greenwashing’ in a recession

Aug 14, 2009

Greenwashing is a term used to define marketing actions by organisations, claiming to take an environmental approach to their products or services, when in fact, they are doing nothing or very little. Greenwashing is a form of marketing hype, and in turbulent times, many companies may be contemplating ‘sexing up’ their image by tapping into…

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Marcus Barber to Keynote at Australian Computer Society Conference

Jul 15, 2009

Strategic Futurist Marcus Barber will be the key note speaker at the Australian Computer Society’s annual conference to be held in Adelaide on July 30 at the Adelaide Convention Centre With the theme ‘Survive and Thrive’ Marcus will discuss the likely issues of the near term future and why right now, organisations do not have…

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Adelaide Advanced Strategic Planning One Day Workshop

Jun 10, 2009

The next Advanced Strategic Planning one-day workshop being run by The Australian Strategic Planning Institute will take place at Rydges in Adelaide on the 13th of July and bookings are now open   The TASPI workshops are jam packed with ideas and processes to ensure that your operational, business and strategic planning efforts deliver the…

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The Bubble to end all Bubbles?

Jun 1, 2009

Hands up if you remember the dot com bubble? Or how about the Y2K bubble? Housing bubble? ‘Bubbles’ as they apply to all things economic are little more than an oversupply of positive confidence in a particular area of economic concern. In fact ‘Bubbles’ are caused by the SAME things as ‘Recessions’ just at opposite…

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Advanced Strategic Planning Workshop in Melbourne

May 18, 2009

Just a handful of places are left for The Australian Strategic Planning Institute’s one day Advanced Strategic Planning workshop at Karsten’s in Melbourne on the 26th of May. Please note that there are no places available for the June workshops in both Brisbane or Sydney, and the Adelaide workshop in July is half filled though…

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Vale Richard Pratt

Apr 28, 2009

Richard Pratt has succumbed to a battle with prostate cancer and there’s no doubt that many words will be written on paper destined to end up as recycle materials at his VISY Industries plants. There’s a harmony in that thought – all those words of type and paper discussing Richard Pratt will be recycling through…

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How to Spend your $900 – think about your future needs first

Apr 19, 2009

Thousands of Australians are just receiving or are about to receive a pretty handsome cheque from the Federal Government as part of the economic stimulous package. The question then is ‘what do I spend this on?’ Below I offer a futurist’s view on where certain generational types might consider spending the bonus.   As a…

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Australia 2020 – one year on, now what?

Mar 31, 2009

It is almost a year since the Australia 2020 Summit was held in Canberra and it is expected that Prime Minister Kevin Rudd will provide feedback on the summit, the ideas it generated as well as the ideas of those not at the summit who provided input and thinking. Of course a lot has changed…

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Wearable Technologies coming to some clothing near you

Mar 16, 2009

A few years ago whilst researching and generating ideas for the National Geographic Channel’s futures based TV shows ‘Future Matters’ I discussed the idea of what I then called ‘WEs’ or Wearable Electronics. I mentioned that this was a substantially different approach than portable electronics, which is what most mobile phones and laptop computers were…

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