Memo PM Turnbull – Your First 100 Hours
The major party in Australia’s dual party Government, the Liberal Party, has removed their leader Tony Abbott, replacing him with the previous leader, Malcolm Turnbull. PM designate Turnbull may be inclined to spend the first few days appeasing and reassuring his party members that everything will be okay. And that would be a mistake. Public polling saying Abbott was dead in the water showed it’s the PUBLIC who need reassuring so here’s what PM designate could do in his first 100 hours.
1. The immediate enacting of significant funding for domestic violence support services that include housing options, support, counselling and also training for all people involved.
2. The announcement that Australia will take one extra refugee ‘family of four’ per suburb – the equivalent of just 15,000 people
3. The ending of destruction of farmlands for extractive exploration (the ‘Eat or Extract’ problem)
4. Securing the passage of the China Free Trade Agreement by legislating the protection of Australians in the workforce under such an agreement
5. Ending the insidious undermining of the Australian Education sector by installing Gonski as promised by all parties
That’d make it a busy 100 hours. But that is EXACTLY what the Australian public need to hear and see right now
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