Innovation has to start somewhere, but where?

How do you innovate? Where do you innovate? Why do you innovate? How do I start innovating? These and a truckload of other similar questions are often tied to the idea that innovation is the silver bullet or panacea to mediocrity in organisations. And maybe it is. There’s a whole raft of ways in which innovation can occur, some more hit and miss than others. One good place to start (it sure is not the only one) is ‘build your awareness’. Which is why the City of Greater Dandenong’s South East Business Networks unit is running another MIIdAS session


This will be session four of the Manufacturing Industry’s Idea Awareness Session that are designed to pique your interest, open your eyes, provoke your neurons and perhaps lay a foundation for a new product or service. For more information contact SEBN – See you in a Couple of weeks

Advanced Organisational Strategy (AOS) Events

Jan 24, 2007

Your Advanced Organisational Strategy events coincide with a specific need for your business and lead to excellent outcomes. These events are customed tailored to help you solve an organisational challenge or to answer a key exploratory question for you. The AOS focuses on two main objectives – to create a specific ‘How to’ for solving…

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Innovation & Counter Intuitiveness

Jan 23, 2007

The idea behind Innovation is to create something new, that has yet to be conceived. A lot of the times that requires Counterintuitive thinking and that can be a very difficult challenge because it needs to break the habits in our thinking styles. For me the essence of being a futurist is the essence of…

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