PPE Opportunities for Australian Manufacturers Emerging in the USA

With Australia having just about wrestled Covid19 to the ground (NSW remains a bit of an issue) there’s now surging demand for PPE in the USA. The Covid19 virus is tracking toward an exponential increase and PPE Manufacturers should start looking for supply opportunities Sadly in the USA over the past week, they are adding…

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Life Versus Lifestyle – Approaching Life AfterLockdown

It seems that one way or another, Victoria is going to pop out of #Lockdown. Probably not in the way we would have hoped. And so for everyone pushing for #AfterLockdown in Victoria and for the wider society, there are two questions you must confront: One – ‘What do you feel is an acceptable level…

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The art of sanity in a Pandemic Lockdown

No, it’s not easy. Most of the challenges come down to our expectations – are they valid based on the assumptions you have made about your future? Those assumptions are based on the information you have available to you. We gather information, make an assessment of meaning, which leads us to make assumptions for an…

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Covid19 – Helping People Deal With Lock-down Events

A thought on the ‘Why should I be in lock-down in my suburb, it’s not fair that we have to do it and no one else has to, my hair’s a mess I need to sell coffees and pizza’ crowd – an explanation you might appreciate   You’ve been asked to go back into lock-down…

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What Makes Good Visions?

Visions are forward looking statement, but good ones, REALLY good ones have key elements 1. They are things you want but do NOT have 2. Are as long or as short as they need to be 3. Are by the people they are for 4. Are for the people they are by 5.Offer stability in…

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Councils need to Pivot their Parks assets Usage NOW!

Most Councils and Government community assets are in full lock-down. Now more than ever, Local Councils Must Pivot their focus on what their Communities Can and Will do instead. Basketball stadiums? Closed Swimming Pools? Closed Theaters? Closed Libraries? Closed Community Halls? Closed Around the country these critical social assets are in shut down. And with…

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