Emerging Risks for Australian LGAs

Local Governments in Australia face an emerging risk space that many seem unaware of.
Brought on by rising costs, especially in business premises rentals, compliance needs and registration costs, research we’ve identified as part of work with a Local Government client is indicating a significant increase in businesses popping up in residential areas.

What seems innocuous is in fact a high risk issue. Planning permits often cross-over use, parking, hours of operation and health.

The rise of ‘dark kitchens’ a few years ago wherein high end restaurants opened kitchens in industrial areas to take advantage of the demand generated by the availability of delivery services is now being copied. With a significant difference: dark kitchens in domestic centres like home garages operating WITHOUT planning or health approvals

And it’s not just cookeries – health sector offerings from hair & nail salons to dental work and tattooists among others, fill the lists.

Aside from traffic problems of pick up drivers, safety plans etc, the lack of compliance to health requirements expose the business owner, residential landlords and customers.. And if a Council is aware of the business operating and done nothing…

Additionally, attempts to revitalise business and shopping precincts are impeded – if anyone can open ‘any business’ they like from home, (with an over-run or inattentive Council missing its emergence), and with Commercial Property rents staying high despite vacancies, the lower costs and easier start up process could soon see ‘ghost-towns’ of commercial districts greater than already exists.

This seemingly innocuous emergence/shift of businesses into residential areas is not small beans. The rate revenue being forgone could add up to Millions of dollars across an LGA. Think it’s time some councils paid a LOT more attention
#LocalGovernment #DarkKitchens #ResidentialBusinesses #Rates #Risk #Permits #PersonalServices

The Reality about Hybrid Work

Aug 8, 2021

There’s a significant disconnect with a number of articles on ‘Hybrid Workplaces’ and it’s really disappointing to see SO MANY large consultants pump out articles that ignore reality. So this is a short take to offer an additional perspective. 1) Hybrid workplaces have existed for centuries, they are not new, though the sudden interest is…

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Sports, Recreation and Active Living Start Ups Opportunity Funding

Aug 1, 2021

Hi everyone – though a focus on particular those of you in Victoria, Australia who have an idea related to sports, active living or recreation that they might like to convert into a business.   Sportstech & Active Living Pre-Accelerator program is being run by the Australian Sport Technologies Network (ASTN) and the Global Sports…

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Post-Covid Workforce Planning framework

May 23, 2021

Old normal, new normal, normal normal. As some businesses aim to rush back to ‘old normal’ they’re likely missing a key opportunity to define, perhaps for the first time, what a new normal should look like for themselves. This Workforce Planning framework should help   As a CEO or senior manager, here’s questions I’d want…

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India’s Covid Surge has a Fat Tail for Australian Companies

Apr 22, 2021

As Covid19 variants continue to emerge, the cause of which can be fairly placed at a lack of social distancing and slow vaccine rates that allow ‘mixing’ of viral strains in social settings, India is on the brink of a healthcare collapse and the implications for Australian companies, especially in the tech sector, are huge.…

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The near term future – 3 Months to 3 years

Mar 16, 2021

What does the future hold for Australia in the next 3 months, to 3 years? Travel, work, living…   Recording to the one hour session inc a Q&A Here’s the Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/pBJqFvN_yZVrktNsN2xWRE7heUTpr226GtyjJpiChG8yZA2D3qEHpACjm8TpMfxd.67Jj1DNSPserOvpZ  Passcode: 1DPi*.$Z

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Before I Was Me – thoughts on what aging might hold

Mar 12, 2021

Sometimes the words come to you readily and this small piece has me thinking about what I’d like to say at a time when maybe I’ve lost the cognitive ability to do so   Before I was Me Before I was Me I used to be fit, and even quite smart; We’d chat about love,…

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Waving Goodbye to Wedgewood’s Factory in HR

Mar 6, 2021

I was doing it well before then and there’s clips of me online going back as far as 2010 or so, railing against the idea of human resources as a label and the insistence by HR managers or CEOs that only people who work ‘in the office’ are going to be productive. It Is A…

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Why the Future of Vertical Farming is Two Decades Ahead of Expectations

Feb 2, 2021

Like lab grown meats, Vertical Farming is going to be part of the future of food. For now it might be best to compare them to small scale battery storage on the electrical grid that can help balance out spikes of demand in the system and provide an output directly where needed.   Eventually (like…

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A Shift in Perspectives – What Commercial Property Owners Are About to Experience that Many have Never Before

Jan 27, 2021

In rental and lease markets it’s fair to say that for the best part of three decades, the landlords have been the price setters. The rules around negative gearing in domestic supply enable sizeable portfolios. Demand in office spaces in central suburbs has been consistently tight. And now, finally, CFO’s have become aware of the…

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PPE Opportunities for Australian Manufacturers Emerging in the USA

Nov 28, 2020

With Australia having just about wrestled Covid19 to the ground (NSW remains a bit of an issue) there’s now surging demand for PPE in the USA. The Covid19 virus is tracking toward an exponential increase and PPE Manufacturers should start looking for supply opportunities Sadly in the USA over the past week, they are adding…

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