Catching Up on some ‘Light Reading’

Coming off what has been undoubtedly my busiest period (3 months) in the past decade, I’m in the throws of catching up on some light reading. I usually have at least two books on the go and my preference is for the books to be about diverse topics because it allows the mind to seek out random connections. I once ‘solved’ the nuclear fusion problem whilst reading books by Umberto Eco and John D Barrow. A physicist friend of mine suggested my idea was radical and yet theoretically possible. But I digress. Right now I have a wide combination – ‘From Poverty to Peace’ by Duncan Green looks at ways in which we can empower people to help themselves more effectively, whilst looking at the myriad of mistakes so commonly made in the area of ‘aid’. ‘New knowledge in Human Values’ is an older book edited by Ambraham Maslow with a wide contribution of thoughts from the likes of Pitirim Sorokin, Dorothy Lee and Paul Tillich (among others) and is a walk through some of the thinking about Human Values emerging in the late 1950’s. The chapters are appropriately dense undertakings and I’m finding it hard to stick with, especially as I’m more inclined to lean towards the model of Clare W Graves and his Value Systems Thoery; ‘Coercion as Cure’ by Thomas Szasz is a ripper of a book thus far, though I’m only a few chapters in, I can tell the quality of a book by how much ‘tagging’ I do within a text

Coercion as Cure already has a significant number of tags – sentences or paragraphs that I reckon are of significant value. It’s a book that looks at the idea of psychiatry and tackles head on the notion that psychiatry, when forced upon someone, can be anything other than a form of unjustifiable assault of the worst kind. ‘Muddling towards Frugality’ by Warren Johnson is, it turns out’ a must read for any person who thinks that the human species has the capability, through technology, of saving us from the potential precipice the species is standing at the edge of. The book doesn’t discuss much about the precipice – that’s my take on it; instead it considers the notion that for the species (the all knowing ‘humanity’) to survive, we must eventually accept the idea of living frugally or what might be called ‘living within our means’. There’s no sign of that happening from what I can see thus far, though there are significant pockets of resistance (to the idea of economic growth as the be all and end all) starting to form. I wish I could keep this book and alas, it is on loan from Jan Lee-Martin who I sincerely hope forgets I have it! 🙂 Finally I’m reading ‘War and Unreason’ by Marco Nilsson. A book which consider, with appropriate historical case studies, the idea that superior military technology guarantees a quick and decisive war – there’s nothing shocked or awe struck about this book and it also highly recommended, as are all the books I’ve mentioned.

A quick final thought. If you haven’t seen the film ‘Precious’ by Lee Daniels and based on the novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire, it is worthy of a quiet night at home. Not a light comedy though so be prepared. The performance of Mo’Nique as the mother is expectional as is that of the lead actress Gabourey Sidibe as ‘Precious’. A hard hitting look at a life few of us could comprehend

Marcus Barber invited to attend World Water Week in Stockholm 2007

May 11, 2007

Futurist Marcus Barber has been invited to present at the Stockholm International Water Institute’s prestigious World Water Week conference to be held in Stockholm later this year. His abstract submission ‘Life versus Lifestyle: the emerging clash between consumer demands and water availability’ forms part of the key workshop item of ‘Managing Future Consumer Demands’ which…

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May Brainnovation Session now open

Apr 26, 2007

The May Brainnovation session is open for bookings. If you’d like to be invited to attend this highly focused, creative and thought provoking session please contact us. We’ll send you an invite and as these sessions are strictly limited to no more than 15 people, it’s ‘first in – best dressed’ for acceptances! You’ll be…

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Authenticity & the Craft of Brewing Beer

Mar 29, 2007

Every now and again you discover something well ahead of the general public that is worthy of further investigation. That is the key advantage of being a futurist – you get to spend a lot of your time just looking for signals of change. In this case it is the soon to be opened Barleycorn…

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Strategy and Game Shows

Feb 27, 2007

Marcus Barber joined Brigette Duclos on the Channel 10 program ‘9am with David & Kim’ to discuss strategy and the game show ‘Con-Test’ How do game shows reflect our approach to strategy and what does it mean for the business decisons we make? This will be the subject of an upcoming ‘Ideas Piece’ to appear…

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Advanced Organisational Strategy (AOS) Events

Jan 24, 2007

Your Advanced Organisational Strategy events coincide with a specific need for your business and lead to excellent outcomes. These events are customed tailored to help you solve an organisational challenge or to answer a key exploratory question for you. The AOS focuses on two main objectives – to create a specific ‘How to’ for solving…

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Innovation & Counter Intuitiveness

Jan 23, 2007

The idea behind Innovation is to create something new, that has yet to be conceived. A lot of the times that requires Counterintuitive thinking and that can be a very difficult challenge because it needs to break the habits in our thinking styles. For me the essence of being a futurist is the essence of…

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